Exploring Puerto Vallarta’s Street Food with Gael

Almost as important as snorkeling, beach strolls or nightclubbing, street food in Puerto Vallarta is an unmissable experience for any lover of tasty and inexpensive food options. In this article, I will tell you about three typical street foods in Puerto Vallarta, a little bit about their place within the cultural context of Mexico and where to find them.

Starting with the sweetest option on the list, Mexican churros are known for their elongated star-shape and great taste. While churros were brought to Mexico by the Spaniards, they are believed to have origins as far back as Ancient China! Covered in a thin layer of sugar and cinnamon, churros are made of wheat flour and can be eaten at any time of the day accompanied by a delicious coffee or hot chocolate. I recommend you try The Churros Guy, a churro stand outside the Santa Cruz Church on Aguacate 216. Grab a few to enjoy during your tour through downtown Puerto Vallarta!

Next on the list is the famous Birria de Chivo. Native to the state of Jalisco, this food is characterized by a fusion of aromas and flavors that come from the curious way of preparing goat meat, which is prepared with a marinade sauce that tenderizes the usually tough meat. It is often said that this food is ideal after a long night of partying. I recommend you try the Birria stand located on Constitución Street #286 in the Romantic Zone.

Finally, we close the list with the flagship of Mexican food: tacos. There a many types of tacos, and I would like to tell you specifically about Tacos al Pastor, which are made with pork. Originating from Lebanese immigrants in the estate of Puebla, Tacos al Pastor are a crucial part of Mexico’s street food scene. But not all tacos al pastor are the same, nor of the same quality. I recommend Tacos Huichos in La Aurora, Calle Universo 2018A. This family business with Puebla roots has been delighting palates for many years in Puerto Vallarta, and has numerous branches in other neighborhoods such as Versalles and Los Sauces.

There you have it. Three street food options that you can enjoy during your visit or stay in Puerto Vallarta. Venture out in search of these and more dishes in the streets of this beautiful and dynamic destination.

Written by Gael Guadarrama, our Office Manager and foodie.

The post Exploring Puerto Vallarta’s Street Food with Gael appeared first on Warren Brander Realty Group.

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