Puerto Vallarta Phone Numbers and Calling Instructions
Sometimes one of the most difficult things to figure out when you move to a new country are some of the most important phone numbers and how to dial them.
Mexico’s country code is +52 so if you are calling any of these from outside Mexico please dial 52 first. The area code for Puerto Vallarta is 322. Also if you are calling a cell phone from a land line here in Puerto Vallarta you must dial 044 before the number. If calling a cell phone from outside Mexico, dial 52 1 before the number.
Emergency Phone Numbers:
General Emergency – 060 (This is currently being replaced with 911 shortly)
Police Department: (322) 290-0507
Fire Department: (322) 224-7701
Protección Civil for Mexico: (800) 004-1300

Red Cross Ambulance: 222-1533
Global Ambulance: 226-1014
Global Ambulance NEW Number 24/7: (322) 209-1123
Private Ambulance: (322) 225-0386
Medicare Ambulance: (322) 222-3355
Hospital and Medical Services
Cornerstone Hospital: 224-9400
San Javier Hospital: 226-1010
Medassist Hospital: 223-0444
C.M.Q. Hospital: 223-1919
I.M.S.S. Hospital: 224-3838
Regional Hospital: 224-4000
Canadian Consulate: (322) 293-0098
American Consulate: (322) 222-0069 or 01-333-268-2145
Mexico Immigrations: (322) 224-7653 & (322) 244-7719
United Kingdom Consulate
British Embassy, Rio Usumacinta #30, Col Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City
Tel: 01-55-1670-3200, 01-55-5242-8500

Airport and Airlines
Puerto Vallarta Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport – Tel: 221-1325
Puerto Vallarta Airport Immigration – 221-1380
Aeromar – 01-800-237-6627
Aerotron – 226-8440, in Guadalajara 52-333-284-2300
Aeromexico – 224-2777, 01-800-021-4010
Air Canada – 221-1138
Alaska – 221-1350
Alma – 01-800-800-25662
America West – 221-1333
American Airlines – 221-1799
Continental – 221-1025
Delta – 221-2524
Frontier – 221-1426
Interjet – 01-800-322-5050
Mexicana – 221-1040
Northwest – 01-800-900-0800
United Airlines – 01-800-003-0777
US Airways – 01-800-428-4322
Warren Brander is an expert real estate agent with Warren Brander Realty Group in Puerto Vallarta. If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or the Banderas Bay area, contact him at (c) +52.1.322.200.2253, toll free +1 855 276 2901 or email: warren@wbrealtygrouppv.com.
You can also check out our website for a great selection of Puerto Vallarta Condos and Homes for sale at https://www.warrenbrander.com
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