Street Dogs in Puerto Vallarta

A week ago today, I took my two dogs out for a walk to return to my condo building finding a puppy at the front door shivering and alone. Apparently someone had found him alone and left him with the security guard. Other neighbours had brought him food and water but couldn’t keep him. I looked at the security guard and asked him may I take him to our place. Thinking we would be fostering him until morning, but the stars were not aligned. First the shelters are full here. Second my two kids phoned their other Dad and convinced him to vote with them and let the puppy stay (truth is I would have caved too). So now we have Mikey, a beautiful mixed breed 3 month old puppy as part of our family. This is our second street rescue in our home (our third was brought from Canada when we moved here). They are great dogs but really we have to do something about the over population of the street dogs here in Puerto Vallarta. Just one of the agencies that does great work to get the street dogs and cats sterilized is Colina Spray and Colina clinic. Check them out here: Facebook – Colina Spay and Neuter Clinic. And if you can make a donation to this worthwhile cause, please do.

Warren Brander is an expert real estate agent with Warren Brander Realty Group in Puerto Vallarta. If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or the Banderas Bay area, contact him at (c) +52.1.322.200.2253, toll free +1 855 276 2901 or email:

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