When preparing to sell your Puerto Vallarta home a little time and money upfront can go a long way. And one of the first things you should do is look at the lists of things to do on your to do list that you just never got around too. We all have one, maybe you refer to is as your job jar, honey do list or maybe just the gotta do but it can wait list.
Right now I have a list of things that need to be done – tiles to be replaced on the dipping pool, light bulbs to be changed, cabinet doors to be adjusted, paint touch ups and many more.
While these all frustrate me, they can wait until I have time as I am not selling my home. Should I be selling my home, these would all need to be addressed as potential buyers will see these as work they need to do or worse yet potential problems with the home itself. And chances are many will come out in a home inspection so taking care of them before listing your home just makes sense.
Here is a quick list of things to consider fixing before listing your home.
Do all your lights work? Besides making your home seem darker than it is, if a light is not working the buyer’s may think there is a larger electrical issue than there is. Replace all burned out light bulbs throughout the home as well.

Dripping and loose taps need to be repaired.. Replace the washers, tighten them up or if necessary, replace them completely.

Adjust doors and cabinets so that the close properly.

Touch up any chipped paint, cracks and holes in walls.

Don’t forget the front entrance. This is the first impression of your home. Consider painting the front door with a fresh coat of paint in a welcoming colour. Remove dead plants from the planters and if your front door knob is looking tired, replace it.

Any signs of past water leaks need to be erased. If you have a water mark on your ceiling paint it. And if you have any water issues, please address them. Buyers are very much afraid of water problems.

Essentially go through your home with an objective eye, as if you were buying it yourself, and address all the issues that would concern you. Or if you are too comfortable with your home to do that objectively, ask your realtor to help you make a list. You really want to use their expertise.
Warren Brander is an expert real estate agent with Warren Brander Realty Group in Puerto Vallarta. If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or the Banderas Bay area, contact him at (c) +52.1.322.200.2253, toll free +1 855 276 2901 or email: warren@wbrealtygrouppv.com. You can also check out our website for a great selection of Puerto Vallarta Condos and Homes for sale at https://www.warrenbrander.com
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