Perfect Houseplants for Every Corner

Having houseplants is a lovely way of making a house feel like a home, and especially in the warmer months when running air-conditioners, houseplants can make a home feel healthier. In fact, studies have shown that houseplants increase the air quality in your home, promote better health and reduce stress for homeowners.  But even in sunny Puerto Vallarta, almost every home has that one corner that doesn’t get a lot of natural light, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a perfect houseplant that will thrive in that space. Here is a list of some hearty and beautiful houseplants that do well in lower light areas.

Easy Care Species: Spider Plants, Chinese Evergreen, Lucky Bamboo, Dragon Tree, ZZ Plants, Peace Lily, Arrowhead Vine, Ferns, English Ivy, Peperomia

Mexican Species: Bishop’s Cap Cactus, Metallica Palm, Sedum Morganianum aka Burro’s Tail, Selenicereus chrysocardium, Tradescantia Zebrina, Parlor Palm

Colorful Species: Jade Plant, Prayer Plant, Anthurium

Visit your neighborhood nursery, Home Depot or take a little trip out the beautiful Puerto Vallarta Botanical Garden for more tips and ideas for houseplants that will grow beautifully in your home, regardless of the light or the green of your thumb.

Warren Brander is an expert real estate agent with Warren Brander Realty Group  in Puerto Vallarta. If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or the Banderas Bay area, contact him at (c) +52.1.322.200.2253, toll free1 855 276 2901  or email:

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