Have you been thinking about moving to Mexico? You aren’t alone. Statistics estimate over 1 000 000 Americans live in Mexico, and this country is the most popular retirement destination for both Canadians and Americans alike. The Puerto Vallarta region has one of the largest foreign communities in Mexico, and with digital technology allowing more people to work remotely, the “expat community” which was once mainly retirees and snowbirds, now also includes a large population of digital nomads, young professionals and families. Our region’s beautiful beaches, affordable cost of living and healthcare, fantastic climate and vibrant arts, culture, dining and entertainment options, make living in Puerto Vallarta a dream that many people want to pursue, but before moving to any foreign country, there are many things to consider. Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you make the move.
- Are you ready to learn at least some basic Spanish?
- Have you researched the visa requirements for living in Mexico?
- Are you financially able to support yourself or do you have job skills that are transferable to allow you to earn an income in Mexico? Have you researched the cost of living in Puerto Vallarta to see what kind of lifestyle you can afford?
- Have you researched options for health insurance?
- If you are moving with a partner, have you had an honest and open dialogue about both your expectations and your concerns? If moving with children, have you started researching options for their education?
- Are you willing to “put yourself out there” to make new friends and become part of your new community?
- Does the idea of moving to Puerto Vallarta make you feel excited, but also a little bit nervous about the changes to come?
If you can say “yes” to these questions, you are likely well-prepared and ready to make a successful transition to Puerto Vallarta, and you haven’t considered some of these questions yet, it is a good idea to keep moving forward with your research before making a decision.
Warren Brander is an expert real estate agent with Warren Brander Realty Group in Puerto Vallarta. If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or the Banderas Bay area, contact him at (c) +52.1.322.200.2253, toll free +1 855 276 2901 or email: warren@wbrealtygrouppv.com
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